This offers the best views overlooking the slopes from large windows. Two beds and two sofa beds can accommodate up to four people. There is also a private toilet and shower room.
Featuring two rooms and a private mini kitchen, this option is spacious, with fine views looking out of the windows. Four beds and two sofa beds can accommodate up to six people. It is equipped with a toilet, shower room and a mini kitchen.
"豪”に宿泊するゲスト専用の共有キッチンが24時間ご利用いただけます。基本的な調理用具が揃っているので、食材を持ち込んでの滞在も可能です。 A There is a shared kitchen for the exclusive use of guests staying in Gou. It is available 24 hours a day. Basic cooking utensils (equipment) are provided, so you can bring and prepare your own food.
Various facilities are available to make your stay at Gou comfortable and convenient, including the shared kitchen, shared dining, and a drying room.
Gou is for people wanting to spend time in a quieter and more relaxed environment. Guests can interact with others in the shared dining room and other facilities.
スキー場直結というロケーションにより時間にゆとりのある滞在が約束されます。 用具を置ける乾燥室も完備されています。 The location by the ski slopes guarantees a relaxing and convenient stay. There is also a drying room for your gear.
スノーモービルやスノーシュートレッキングなど、スキースノーボード以外の楽しみも充実しております。As well as skiing and snowboarding, there are plenty of other fun and exciting activities to enjoy at Geto Kogen, including snowmobiles and snowshoe trekking.
共有ダイニングで、他のお部屋に滞在されているお客様同士の交流も可能です。共通の趣味があれば、国籍問わずみんな仲良くなれるでしょう。The shared dining area allows guests to interact with each other outside of their private rooms. With a common hobby and passion, everyone gets on regardless of who you are!
スタンダードルームでも約30㎡のお部屋面積があり、ゆったりと滞在が可能です。お部屋の大きな窓からはスキー場を一望できることも大きな魅力です。ささやかながらウェルカムドリンクも用意させて頂いております。Even the standard room has a spacious area of about 30 square meters. The large windows offer amazing views of the ski slopes and (the often) falling snow. We also provide a small welcome drink.
また、豪の宿泊者は無料で何度でもげとう高原温泉がご利用いただけます。All rooms are equipped with showers and toilets. In addition, Gou guests can use the Geto Kogen Onsen for free during their stay - as often as they like!
施設内では無料でWiFiがご利用頂けます。A free Wi-Fi connection is available within the facility.
共有キッチンもご利用頂けますが、ご予約頂ければレストラン兎森にて朝食と夕食をご用意させて頂きます(有料オプション)The shared kitchen can be used anytime, but if you make a reservation, we can prepare breakfast and dinner at Usagimori Restaurant. (This is a charged option).
豪宿泊者は無料でげとう高原温泉をご利用いただけます。外へ出ることなく館内移動で温泉まで行けます。Gou guests can use the Geto Kogen Onsen hot springs free of charge during their stay. There is no need to go outside to get there!
スキー場の売店施設以外でも、共有キッチン内では無人の販売冷蔵庫があります。お酒やおつまみなどもこちらでお求め頂けます。As well as the shop at the ski area, there is also an unmanned vending refrigerator in the shared kitchen. Alcohol and snacks can be purchased.
有料オプションで、滞在期間中のルームクリーニングを承ります。Room cleaning during your stay is available as a paid option.
大きな荷物は宅急便サービスを使ってスキー場で発送受け取りができます。また、チェックイン前やチェックアウト後のお荷物預かりサービスもございます。Large luggage can be sent and received at the ski resort using the reliable ‘takyubin’ delivery service. There is also a luggage storage service available before check-in and after check-out.
夏油高原スキー場の無料シャトルバスをご利用頂けます。館内移動で直ぐにバス停まで行けます。You can use the free shuttle bus between Geto Kogen Resort and Kitakami Station. The bus stop is located directly outside the exit.